MIT - Introduction to Algorithms
- Lecture 4 Heap Sort 만들어보기
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code, data, note pdf :
a = [4,1,3,2,16,9,10,14,8,7] def max_heapify(A,i): l = 2*i+1 r = 2*(i+1) if l< len(A) and A[l]>A[i]: largest = l else: largest = i if rA[largest]: largest = r if largest != i: tmp = A[i] A[i] = A[largest] A[largest] = tmp max_heapify(A,largest) return A def build_max_heap(A): for i in range(len(A)//2-1,-1,-1): max_heapify(A,i) return A b=a.copy() print('init : ',b) def heap_sort(A): import time start = time.time() li = [] for i in range(len(A)): build_max_heap(A) max_ = A[0] A[0] = A[len(A)-1] A[len(A)-1] = max_ li.append(A.pop()) end = time.time() print('%.10f sec' %(end-start)) return li print(heap_sort(b))